Selected publications
Books and book chapters
Vintar, Špela (ed.) Slovenske korpusne raziskave. Ljubljana,
Filozofska fakulteta, 2010.
Vintar, Špela. Terminologija:
Terminološka veda in računalniško podprta terminografija. Ljubljana,
Filozofska fakulteta, 2008.
sample chapter
VINTAR, Špela, HANSEN-SCHIRRA, Silvia. Cognates: free rides, false friends or stylistic devices? : a corpus-based comparative study. V: BARNBROOK, Geoff (ur.), DANIELSSON, Pernilla (ur.), MAHLBERG, Michaela (ur.). Meaningful texts : the extraction of semantic information from monolingual and multilingual corpora, (Research in corpus and discourse). London; New York: Continuum, 2005, 208-221
VINTAR, Špela. Corpora in translator training and practice : a Slovene perspective. V: ANDERMAN, Gunilla M. (ur.), ROGERS, Margaret (ur.). Incorporating corpora : the linguist and the translator, (Translating Europe). Clevedon; Buffalo; Toronto: Multilingual Matters, cop. 2008, 153-167 .pdf
VINTAR, Špela. Real-world projects in localization training. V: DIMITRIU, Rodica (ur.), FREIGANG, Karl-Heinz (ur.). Translation technology in translation classes, (Colecţia Academica, Seria Traductologie, 41). Iaşi: Institutul European, 2008, 160-174 .pdf
VINTAR, Špela. 2010. Bilingual term recognition revisited: the bag-of-equivalents term alignment approach and its evaluation. Terminology 16:2, 141.158.
FIŠER, Darja, POLLAK, Senja, VINTAR, Špela. Learning to Mine Definitions from Slovene Structured and Unstructured Knowledge-Rich Resources. LREC 2010 : Malta, ELDA/ELRA.
VINTAR, Špela. Scientific Transfer through Translation - A Corpus-Based Study of Terminological Strategies in the Times of Franz Joseph of Austria. Journal of Translation Studies, Vol. 11 (1), 2008.
VINTAR, Špela. Corpora in Translation: A Slovene Perspective. Journal of Specialized Translation, Issue 10, http://www.jostrans.org/issue10/art_vintar.php.
VINTAR, Špela. Cultural and scientific transfer through translation - a corpus-based study of term formation in the period 1848-1919. SELJAN, Sanja (ur.), STANČIĆ, Hrvoje (ur.). [1. Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija, Zagreb, 7.-9. studenoga 2007]. Digital information and heritage. Zagreb: Odsjek za informacijske znanosti, Filozofski fakultet, 2007, 289-298.
VINTAR, Špela, FIŠER, Darja. Harvesting multi-word expressions from parallel corpora. V: 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakech, Morocco, May 26 - June 1, 2008. LREC 2008 : proceedings. Marrakech: ELRA, 2008.
GORJANC, Vojko, KREK, Simon, VINTAR, Špela. Slovene terminology web portal. V: Proceedings of the XIII EURALEX international congress (Barcelona, 15-19 July 2008). [Barcelona: Documenta universitaria, 2008], str. 971-978.
VINTAR, Špela, ERJAVEC, Tomaž. iKorpus in luščenje izrazja za Islovar. V: ERJAVEC, Tomaž (ur.), ŽGANEC GROS, Jerneja (ur.). Zbornik Šeste konference Jezikovne tehnologije, 16. do 17. oktober 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia : zbornik 11. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2008, zvezek C : proceedings of the 11th International Multiconference Information Society - IS 2008, volume C, (Informacijska družba). Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2008, 65-69.
FIŠER, Darja, VINTAR, Špela, TODOROVSKI, Ljupčo. Towards clustering-based word sense discrimination. V: ERJAVEC, Tomaž (ur.), ŽGANEC GROS, Jerneja (ur.). Jezikovne tehnologije : zbornik 9. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba IS 2006, 9. do 10. oktober 2006 : proceedings of the 9th International Multiconference Information Society IS 2006, 9th-10th October 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia, (Informacijska družba). Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2006, 216-221.
VINTAR, Špela. Označevanje in odkrivanje pomenskih razmerij v medicinskih besedilih = Annotating and discovering semantic relations in medical texts. Informatica medica slovenica, 2005, letn. 10, št. 1, 9-18.
DIAS, Gaël, VINTAR, Špela. Unsupervised learning of multiword units from part-of-speech tagged corpora : does quantity mean quality?. In: Progress in artificial intelligence : proceedings, (Lecture notes in computer science, 3808), (Lecture notes in artifical intelligence, 3808). Berlin: Springer, 2005, pp. 669-679. .pdf
VINTAR, Špela. Tehnologije po meri človeka. V: K razvoju telecentrov v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: [D. Jeraj]: Bons, 2004, pp. 252-263.
Vintar, Š. (2004). Comparative Evaluation of C-value in the Treatment of Nested Terms. Memura 2004 - Methodologies and Evaluation of Multiword Units in Real-World Applications (LREC 2004), pp. 54-57. .pdf
VINTAR, Špela. Lokalizacija, globalizacija ali slovenjenje? = Localization, globalisation or Slovenization?. Mostovi (Ljublj.), 2004, letn. 38, št. 1, pp. 74-82.
Vintar, Š.; Todorovski, L.; Sonntag, D.; Buitelaar, P. (2003) Evaluating Context Features for Medical Relation Mining. Workshop on Text Mining and Data Mining for Bioinformatics, ECML/PKDD 2003.
Vintar, Š.; Volk, M.; Buitelaar, P. (2003) Semantic Relations in Medical Relation Mining. Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptive Text Extraction and Mining, ECML/PKDD 2003.
Vintar, Š. (2003). Kaj izvira iz jezikovnih virov. Jezik in slovstvo XLVIII(2-3), pp. 77-88.
Vintar, Š.; Buitelaar, P.; Ripplinger, B.; Sacaleanu, B.; Raileanu, D.; Prescher, D. (2002). An Efficient and Flexible Format for Linguistic and Semantic Annotation. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002), pp. 1658-1662.
Raileanu, D.; Buitelaar, P.; Vintar, Š.; Bay, J. (2002). Evaluation Corpora for Sense Disambiguation in the Medical Domain. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2002), pp.609-612.
Ripplinger, B.; Vintar, Š.; Buitelaar, P. (2002). Cross-Lingual Medical Information Retrieval through Semantic Annotation. Proceedings of the Workshop Natural Language Processing for Biomedical Applications (NLPBA '02), Cyprus.
VINTAR, Špela. Avtomatsko luščenje izrazja iz slovensko-angleških vzporednih besedil. V: ERJAVEC, Tomaž (ur.), ŽGANEC GROS, Jerneja (ur.). Jezikovne tehnologije : zbornik konference : proceedings of the conference. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2002, 78-85
Vintar, Š. (2001). Using Parallel Corpora for Translation-Oriented Term Extraction. Babel 47(2), John Benjamins Publishing.
Vintar, Š.; Kipp, M. (2001). Multi-track Annotation of Terminology Using ANVIL. In: Ide, N. (ed.) Workshop on Multi-layer Corpus-based Analysis, Eurolan 2001, Iasi, Romania, pp. 1-13.
Vintar, Š. (2001). Računalniška orodja za jezikoslovce in prevajalce. Zbornik 37. seminarja slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture, Ljubljana, Filozofska fakulteta.
Dias, G.; Vintar, Š.; Pereira Lopes, G.; Guillore, S. (2000). Normalising the IJS-ELAN Slovene-English Parallel Corpus for the Extraction of Multilingual Terminology. In: Monachesi, P. (ed.) Proceedings of the CLIN '99 (Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands).
Vintar, Š.; Gorjanc, V. (2000). Identifying markers of semantic relations in Slovene. Proceedings of the 5th TELRI seminar, 22-24 September 2000, Ljubljana.
Gorjanc, V.; Vintar, Š. (2000). Iskanja po korpusu slovenskega jezika FIDA. In: Erjavec, T./Gros, J. (ur.) Jezikovne tehnologije: zbornik konference (Language Technologies), v okviru kongresa Informacijska družba �00, Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, str. 20-27.
Vintar, Š. (1999). Računalniške tehnologije za prevajanje. Uporabna informatika (Applied Informatics) VII/1, pp.17-24, Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo Informatika.
Vintar, Š. (1999). Računalniška orodja za prevajanje. Mostovi 1999/XXXIII, Ljubljana: Društvo znanstvenih in tehniških prevajalcev Slovenije.
Vintar, Š. (1999). A Lexical Analysis of the ELAN Slovene-English Parallel Corpus. Proceedings of the workshop Language Technologies: Multilingual Aspects, within the framework of the SLE conference, July '99, Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta.
Vintar, Š. (1999). A Parallel Corpus as a Translation Aid: Exploring EU Terminology in the ELAN Slovene-English Parallel Corpus. Proceedings of the 34th Colloquium of Linguistics, September '99, Germersheim, to be published by Peter Lang Verlag.
Vintar, Š. (1999). Računalniško podprto iskanje terminologije v slovensko-angleškem vzporednem korpusu. Uporabno jezikoslovje (Applied Linguistics) 7-8, Ljubljana: Društvo za uporabno jezikoslovje.
Vintar, Š. (1998). Programi s pomnilnikom prevodov s stališča morebitnega uporabnika. Proceedings of the conference Language Technologies for the Slovene Language, within the framework of the congress Information Society '98, October 1998, Ljubljana: Jozef Stefan Institute.
Vintar, Š., Erjavec, T. (1998). Prednosti in omejitve programov s pomnilnikom prevodov. Proceedings of the congress "Jezik za danes in jutri", Društvo za uporabno jezikoslovje Slovenije/Slovenian Society of Applied Linguistics, October 1998, Ljubljana: Društvo za uporabno jezikoslovje.