A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V misc
spatstat-package | The Spatstat Package |
%mark% | Set or Reset the Marks in a Point Pattern |
affine | Apply Affine Transformation |
affine.owin | Apply Affine Transformation To Window |
affine.ppp | Apply Affine Transformation To Point Pattern |
affine.psp | Apply Affine Transformation To Line Segment Pattern |
allstats | Calculate four standard summary functions of a point pattern. |
alltypes | Calculate Statistic for All Types in a Multitype Point Pattern |
amacrine | Hughes' Amacrine Cell Data |
anemones | Beadlet Anemones Data |
angles.psp | Orientation Angles of Line Segments |
anova.ppm | ANOVA for Fitted Point Process Models |
ants | Harkness-Isham ants' nests data |
append.psp | Combine Two Line Segment Patterns |
applynbd | Apply Function to Every Neighbourhood in a Point Pattern |
area.owin | Area of a Window |
as.im | Convert to Pixel Image |
as.mask | Pixel Image Approximation of a Window |
as.matrix.im | Convert Pixel Image to Matrix |
as.owin | Convert Data To Class owin |
as.ppp | Convert Data To Class ppp |
as.psp | Convert Data To Class psp |
as.rectangle | Window Frame |
bdist.pixels | Distance to Boundary of Window |
bdist.points | Distance to Boundary of Window |
bei | Tropical rain forest trees |
betacells | Beta Ganglion Cells in Cat Retina |
bounding.box | Bounding Box of a Window or Point Pattern |
bounding.box.xy | Convex Hull of Points |
bramblecanes | Hutchings' Bramble Canes data |
cells | Biological Cells Point Pattern |
centroid.owin | Centroid of a window |
chorley | Chorley-Ribble Cancer Data |
clickpoly | Interactively Define a Polygon |
clickppp | Interactively Add Points |
coef.ppm | Coefficients of Fitted Point Process Model |
compatible.fv | Test Whether Two Function Objects Are Compatible |
compatible.im | Test Whether Two Pixel Images Are Compatible |
complement.owin | Take Complement of a Window |
concatxy | Concatenate x,y Coordinate Vectors |
contour.im | Contour plot of pixel image |
convexhull.xy | Convex Hull of Points |
copper | Berman-Huntington points and lines data |
corners | Corners of a rectangle |
crossdist | Pairwise distances |
crossdist.default | Pairwise distances between two different sets of points |
crossdist.ppp | Pairwise distances between two different point patterns |
crossdist.psp | Pairwise distances between two different line segment patterns |
crossing.psp | Crossing Points of Two Line Segment Patterns |
cut.im | Convert Pixel Image from Numeric to Factor |
cut.ppp | Convert Point Pattern Marks from Numeric to Factor |
data.ppm | Extract Original Data from a Fitted Point Process Model |
default.dummy | Generate a Default Pattern of Dummy Points |
demopat | Artificial Data Point Pattern |
density.ppp | Kernel Smoothed Intensity of Point Pattern |
density.psp | Kernel Smoothing of Line Segment Pattern |
density.splitppp | Kernel Smoothed Intensity of Split Point Pattern |
diagnose.ppm | Diagnostic Plots for Fitted Point Process Model |
diameter | Diameter of a Window |
DiggleGratton | Diggle-Gratton model |
dilate.owin | Dilate a Window |
dirichlet.weights | Compute Quadrature Weights Based on Dirichlet Tessellation |
disc | Circular Window |
distmap | Distance Map |
distmap.owin | Distance Map of Window |
distmap.ppp | Distance Map of Point Pattern |
distmap.psp | Distance Map of Line Segment Pattern |
dummy.ppm | Extract Dummy Points Used to Fit a Point Process Model |
duplicated.ppp | Determine Duplicated Points in a Spatial Point Pattern |
eem | Exponential Energy Marks |
empty.space | Estimate the empty space function F |
endpoints.psp | Endpoints of Line Segment Pattern |
envelope | Simulation envelopes of summary function |
erode.owin | Erode a Window |
eroded.areas | Areas of Morphological Erosions |
eval.fv | Evaluate Expression Involving Functions |
eval.im | Evaluate Expression Involving Pixel Images |
ewcdf | Weighted Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function |
expand.owin | Expand Window By Factor |
fasp.object | Function Arrays for Spatial Patterns |
Fest | Estimate the empty space function F |
finpines | Pine saplings in Finland. |
fitted.ppm | Fitted Conditional Intensity for Point Process Model |
fv.object | Data Frames of Function Values |
ganglia | Beta Ganglion Cells in Cat Retina, Old Version |
Gcross | Multitype Nearest Neighbour Distance Function (i-to-j) |
Gdot | Multitype Nearest Neighbour Distance Function (i-to-any) |
Gest | Nearest Neighbour Distance Function G |
Geyer | Geyer's Saturation Point Process Model |
Gmulti | Marked Nearest Neighbour Distance Function |
gridcenters | Rectangular grid of points |
gridcentres | Rectangular grid of points |
gridweights | Compute Quadrature Weights Based on Grid Counts |
hamster | Aherne's hamster tumour data |
harmonic | Basis for Harmonic Functions |
hist.im | Histogram of Pixel Values in an Image |
humberside | Humberside Data on Childhood Leukaemia and Lymphoma |
identify.ppp | Identify Points in a Point Pattern |
Iest | Estimate the I-function |
im | Create a Pixel Image Object |
im.object | Class of Images |
image.im | Plot a Pixel Image |
inside.owin | Test Whether Points Are Inside A Window |
interp.im | Interpolate a Pixel Image |
intersect.owin | Intersection or Union of Two Windows |
is.im | Test Whether An Object Is A Pixel Image |
is.marked | Test Whether Marks Are Present |
is.marked.ppm | Test Whether A Point Process Model is Marked |
is.marked.ppp | Test Whether A Point Pattern is Marked |
is.multitype | Test whether Object is Multitype |
is.multitype.ppm | Test Whether A Point Process Model is Multitype |
is.multitype.ppp | Test Whether A Point Pattern is Multitype |
is.owin | Test Whether An Object Is A Window |
is.ppm | Test Whether An Object Is A Fitted Point Process Model |
is.ppp | Test Whether An Object Is A Point Pattern |
is.subset.owin | Determine Whether One Window is Contained In Another |
japanesepines | Japanese Pines Point Pattern |
Jcross | Multitype J Function (i-to-j) |
Jdot | Multitype J Function (i-to-any) |
Jest | Estimate the J-function |
Jmulti | Marked J Function |
kaplan.meier | Kaplan-Meier Estimator using Histogram Data |
Kcross | Multitype K Function (Cross-type) |
Kcross.inhom | Inhomogeneous Cross K Function |
Kdot | Multitype K Function (i-to-any) |
Kdot.inhom | Inhomogeneous Multitype K Dot Function |
Kest | K-function |
Kest.fft | K-function using FFT |
Kinhom | Inhomogeneous K-function |
km.rs | Kaplan-Meier and Reduced Sample Estimator using Histograms |
Kmeasure | Reduced Second Moment Measure |
Kmulti | Marked K-Function |
ks.test.ppm | Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for Point Process Model |
lansing | Lansing Woods Point Pattern |
lengths.psp | Lengths of Line Segments |
LennardJones | The Lennard-Jones Potential |
letterR | Window in Shape of Letter R |
levelset | Level Set of a Pixel Image |
lgcp.estK | Fit a Log-Gaussian Cox Point Process by Minimum Contrast |
longleaf | Longleaf Pines Point Pattern |
lurking | Lurking variable plot |
markcorr | Mark Correlation Function |
markstat | Summarise Marks in Every Neighbourhood in a Point Pattern |
matclust.estK | Fit the Matern Cluster Point Process by Minimum Contrast |
mean.im | Mean Pixel Value in an Image |
midpoints.psp | Midpoints of Line Segment Pattern |
mincontrast | Method of Minimum Contrast |
multiplicity.ppp | Count Multiplicity of Duplicate Points |
MultiStrauss | The Multitype Strauss Point Process Model |
MultiStraussHard | The Multitype/Hard Core Strauss Point Process Model |
nbextras | Point Patterns of New Brunswick Forest Fires |
nbfires | Point Patterns of New Brunswick Forest Fires |
nbw.rect | Point Patterns of New Brunswick Forest Fires |
nearest.neighbour | Nearest Neighbour Distance Function G |
nearest.raster.point | Find Pixel Nearest to a Given Point |
nncorr | Nearest-Neighbour Correlation of Marked Point Pattern |
nncross | Nearest Neighbour in Another Point Pattern |
nndist | Nearest neighbour distances |
nnwhich | Nearest neighbour |
nztrees | New Zealand Trees Point Pattern |
Ord | Generic Ord Interaction model |
ord.family | Ord Interaction Process Family |
OrdThresh | Ord's Interaction model |
owin | Create a Window |
owin.object | Class owin |
pairdist | Pairwise distances |
pairdist.default | Pairwise distances |
pairdist.ppp | Pairwise distances |
pairdist.psp | Pairwise distances between line segments |
PairPiece | The Piecewise Constant Pairwise Interaction Point Process Model |
pairsat.family | Saturated Pairwise Interaction Point Process Family |
Pairwise | Generic Pairwise Interaction model |
pairwise.family | Pairwise Interaction Process Family |
pcf | Pair Correlation Function |
pcf.fasp | Pair Correlation Function obtained from array of K functions |
pcf.fv | Pair Correlation Function obtained from K Function |
pcf.ppp | Pair Correlation Function of Point Pattern |
persp.im | Perspective Plot of Pixel Image |
plot.diagppm | Diagnostic Plots for Fitted Point Process Model |
plot.fasp | Plot a Function Array |
plot.fv | Plot Function Valuesn |
plot.im | Plot a Pixel Image |
plot.listof | Plot a List of Things |
plot.owin | Plot a Spatial Window |
plot.plotppm | Plot a plotppm Object Created by plot.ppm |
plot.ppm | plot a Fitted Point Process Model |
plot.ppp | plot a Spatial Point Pattern |
plot.psp | plot a Spatial Line Segment Pattern |
plot.quad | plot a Spatial Quadrature Scheme |
plot.splitppp | Plot a List of Point Patterns |
Poisson | Poisson Point Process Model |
ppm | Fit Point Process Model to Data |
ppm.object | Class of Fitted Point Process Models |
ppp | Create a Point Pattern |
ppp.object | Class of Point Patterns |
pppdist | Optimal Match Between Two Point Patterns |
predict.ppm | Prediction from a Fitted Point Process Model |
print.im | Print Brief Details of an Image |
print.owin | Print Brief Details of a Spatial Window |
print.ppm | Print a Fitted Point Process Model |
print.ppp | Print Brief Details of a Point Pattern Dataset |
print.psp | Print Brief Details of a Line Segment Pattern Dataset |
print.quad | Print a Quadrature Scheme |
print.summary.im | Summarizing a Pixel Image |
print.summary.ppm | Summarizing a Fitted Point Process Model |
print.summary.quad | Summarizing a Quadrature Scheme |
profilepl | Profile Maximum Pseudolikelihood |
progressreport | Print Progress Reports |
psp | Create a Line Segment Pattern |
psp.object | Class of Line Segment Patterns |
qqplot.ppm | Q-Q Plot of Residuals from Fitted Point Process Model |
quad.object | Class of Quadrature Schemes |
quad.ppm | Extract Quadrature Scheme Used to Fit a Point Process Model |
quadrat.test | Chi-Squared Dispersion Test for Spatial Point Pattern Based on Quadrat Counts |
quadratcount | Quadrat counting for a point pattern |
quadscheme | Generate a Quadrature Scheme from a Point Pattern |
quantile.im | Sample Quantiles of Pixel Image |
raster.x | Cartesian Coordinates for a Pixel Raster |
raster.y | Cartesian Coordinates for a Pixel Raster |
rcell | Simulate Baddeley-Silverman Cell Process |
reach | Interaction Distance of a Point Process |
reduced.sample | Reduced Sample Estimator using Histogram Data |
redwood | California Redwoods Point Pattern (Ripley's Subset) |
redwoodfull | California Redwoods Point Pattern (Entire Dataset) |
rescale | Convert dataset to another unit of length |
rescale.owin | Convert Window to Another Unit of Length |
rescale.ppp | Convert Point Pattern to Another Unit of Length |
rescale.psp | Convert Line Segment Pattern to Another Unit of Length |
rescue.rectangle | Convert Window Back To Rectangle |
residuals.ppm | Residuals for Fitted Point Process Model |
residualspaper | Data and Code From JRSS Discussion Paper on Residuals |
ripras | Estimate window from points alone |
rlabel | Random Re-Labelling of Point Pattern |
rMatClust | Simulate Matern Cluster Process |
rMaternI | Simulate Matern Model I |
rMaternII | Simulate Matern Model II |
rmh | Simulate point patterns using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. |
rmh.default | Simulate Point Process Models using the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm. |
rmh.ppm | Simulate from a Fitted Point Process Model |
rmhcontrol | Set Control Parameters for Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm. |
rmhmodel | Define Point Process Model for Metropolis-Hastings Simulation. |
rmhmodel.default | Build Point Process Model for Metropolis-Hastings Simulation. |
rmhmodel.list | Define Point Process Model for Metropolis-Hastings Simulation. |
rmhmodel.ppm | Interpret Fitted Model for Metropolis-Hastings Simulation. |
rmhstart | Determine Initial State for Metropolis-Hastings Simulation. |
rmpoint | Generate N Random Multitype Points |
rmpoispp | Generate Multitype Poisson Point Pattern |
rNeymanScott | Simulate Neyman-Scott Process |
rotate | Rotate |
rotate.owin | Rotate a Window |
rotate.ppp | Rotate a Point Pattern |
rotate.psp | Rotate a Line Segment Pattern |
rpoint | Generate N Random Points |
rpoisline | Generate Poisson Random Line Process |
rpoispp | Generate Poisson Point Pattern |
rshift | Random Shift |
rshift.ppp | Randomly Shift a Point Pattern |
rshift.psp | Randomly Shift a Line Segment Pattern |
rshift.splitppp | Randomly Shift a List of Point Patterns |
rSSI | Simulate Simple Sequential Inhibition |
rstrat | Simulate Stratified Random Point Pattern |
rStrauss | Perfect Simulation of the Strauss Process |
rsyst | Simulate systematic random point pattern |
rthin | Random Thinning |
rThomas | Simulate Thomas Process |
runifdisc | Generate N Uniform Random Points in a Disc |
runifpoint | Generate N Uniform Random Points |
Saturated | Saturated Pairwise Interaction model |
scanpp | Read Point Pattern From Data File |
selfcrossing.psp | Crossing Points in a Line Segment Pattern |
setcov | Set Covariance of a Window |
setmarks | Set or Reset the Marks in a Point Pattern |
shift | Apply Vector Translation |
shift.im | Apply Vector Translation To Pixel Image |
shift.owin | Apply Vector Translation To Window |
shift.ppp | Apply Vector Translation To Point Pattern |
shift.psp | Apply Vector Translation To Line Segment Pattern |
simdat | Simulated Point Pattern |
Softcore | The Soft Core Point Process Model |
solutionset | Evaluate Logical Expression Involving Pixel Images and Return Region Where Expression is True |
spatstat | The Spatstat Package |
spatstat.options | Internal Options in Spatstat Package |
split.ppp | Divide Point Pattern into Sub-patterns |
spokes | Spokes pattern of dummy points |
spruces | Spruces Point Pattern |
square | Square Window |
Strauss | The Strauss Point Process Model |
StraussHard | The Strauss / Hard Core Point Process Model |
subset.fasp | Extract Subset of Function Array |
subset.fv | Extract Subset of Function Values |
subset.im | Extract Subset of Image |
subset.ppp | Extract or Replace Subset of Point Pattern |
subset.psp | Extract Subset of Line Segment Pattern |
suffstat | Sufficient Statistic of Point Process Model |
summary.im | Summarizing a Pixel Image |
summary.listof | Summary of a List of Things |
summary.owin | Summary of a Spatial Window |
summary.ppm | Summarizing a Fitted Point Process Model |
summary.ppp | Summary of a Point Pattern Dataset |
summary.psp | Summary of a Line Segment Pattern Dataset |
summary.quad | Summarizing a Quadrature Scheme |
summary.splitppp | Summary of a Split Point Pattern |
superimpose | Superimpose Several Point Patterns |
swedishpines | Swedish Pines Point Pattern |
thomas.estK | Fit the Thomas Point Process by Minimum Contrast |
trim.rectangle | Cut margins from rectangle |
union.owin | Intersection or Union of Two Windows |
union.quad | Union of Data and Dummy Points |
unique.ppp | Extract Unique Points from a Spatial Point Pattern |
unit.square | Square Window |
units | Name for Unit of Length |
unmark | Remove Marks from a Marked Point Pattern |
update.ppm | Update a Fitted Point Process Model |
vcov.ppm | Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Point Process Model |
vertices | Vertices of a Window |
[.fasp | Extract Subset of Function Array |
[.fv | Extract Subset of Function Values |
[.im | Extract Subset of Image |
[.listof | Extract or Replace Subset of a List of Things |
[.ppp | Extract or Replace Subset of Point Pattern |
[.psp | Extract Subset of Line Segment Pattern |
[.splitppp | Extract or Replace Sub-Patterns |