University of Rijeka, Croatia, 2-8 September 2013


List of courses and lecturers at TransTech 2013

  1. -Translation Environment Tools

  2. lecturers Alina Secara and Dragos Ciobanu, University of Leeds, UK

  3. The Translation Environment Tools sessions offer an introduction to the principles and applications of translation memory and subtitling systems. The course includes a general presentation of translation memory and subtitling systems and highlights key functionalities and their integration in the professional translation workflow. You will be introduced to a series of strategies and techniques that professional translators use to manage their work successfully and the hands-on sessions will offer instructions and support to use the tools efficiently in a translation project scenario. You will be expected to participate in discussions and hands-on activities related to the preparation and translation of different file format resources, leveraging TM content and using translation technology efficiently. You will be using the functionalities integrated in the dedicated tools to tackle technical and linguistic aspects professional translators are confronted with daily, including the creation and use of translation memory files, analysis of source texts and the integration of quality assurance processes. Throughout the course you will be provided with information about further resources you can use to enhance your knowledge on translation environment tools.

  4. -Translation Project Management

  5. lecturer Nancy Matis, Nancy Matis SPRL, Brussels, Belgium

  6. The course will focus on business and organisational aspects of professional translation and will provide basic skills on how to manage (large) translation projects in an international framework. Essential project stages are presented, from analysis, quoting, planning to monitoring, delivery and post-mortem. The course covers technical aspects, financial issues and budgeting, human resources management, time and risk management, customer relationship and quality assurance, all from the point of view of the global translation industry as it is today.

  7. The course will be taught on-line. However, an assistant will be available in the classroom all the time for assistance.

  8. -Terminology Management

  9. lecturer Špela Vintar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

  10. The workshop will provide the key concepts of terminology science and review the concept-term relationship, semantic relations between concepts, methods of multilingual terminography and terminography-related standards. A significant part of the workshop will be dedicated to empirical terminography - web-based resources, ad hoc corpus engineering, automatic term extraction and translation-oriented multilingual terminography.

  11. -Localisation

  12. lecturer Špela Vintar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

  13. The workshop will focus on both the linguistic aspects of localization and the technical ones. We shall review the structure of a typical localization project, its components and stages. An overview of common filetypes will be given, and typical localization workflows will be discussed. The technical part of the course will provide hands-on sessions with localization and quality assurance software, Alchemy Catalyst and SDL Passolo.

  14. -Translation-oriented Corpus Engineering

  15. lecturer Oliver Čulo, University of Mainz, Germany

  16. Nowadays, corpora are our most important items for testing theories on real-world data and coming up with new hypotheses based on systematic or coincidental observations. It is therefore essential to carefully craft a corpus right from the start. What is often called "parallel corpus" – in fact a term often used vaguely and with many different meanings – deserves special attention. This is not only because we are dealing with more than one language, typically originals and translations, but also because there are various factors which influence the manifestation and distribution of phenomena we want to look for. To give an example: Two of the main factors to take into account when compiling a parallel corpus of originals and their translations are register and translation direction. The course will start with a brief introduction into the theory of building a parallel corpus. The larger part is dedicated to getting to grips with tools for annotation and alignment. The overall goal of the course is to provide students with essential knowledge on corpus creation as well as fundamental skills concerning corpus annotation.

  17. -Machine Translation and Post-Editing MT

  18. lecturer Nikola Ljubešić, University of Zagreb, Croatia and Darja Fišer, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

  19. Given the recent substantial improvements of the quality of Machine Translation and the increasing demand for translations, post-editing of automatic translations is becoming a popular practice in the translation industry. It has been shown to enable the production of larger volumes of translations, saving both time and costs. The workshop will provide key concepts from the field of Machine Translation and will introduce the most popular post-editing interfaces as well as post-editing guidelines. The workshop will focus on hands-on activities.

  20. -Translation and Terminology for EU Institutions: Resources and Strategies

  21. lecturer Darja Erbič, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia

  22. The course will start with the Slovenian experience in preparing the national linguistic version of the acquis communautaire before accession to the EU (presentation of the organisation of work process, instructions and training of staff as well as the introduction of terminology databases and language technologies). Sedond part will give an overview of the work of the Slovenian contact point for language issues in the EU context (i.e. EU coordination in language matters, instructions and links, inter-institutional cooperation and linguistic work in the preparation for Slovenia's Presidency of the EU Council). The EU co-decision procedure, translation and revision workflow in EU institutions and cooperation with national experts will be explained by providing examples and experience from translations in various work stages and EU institutions; the Slovenian role in the Permanent Representation and EU-Portal, Working Groups of the EU Council and corrigenda procedure. The course will also take a look at the Slovenian National Programme for Language Policy in the framework of which two projects will be presented: manual “Slovenian Language in the EU Institutions”, the national mechanism for verification of EU terminology and the terminology mailbox. Finally, a personal account of working for a Translation Department in an EU institution - the European Economic and Social Committee – will be given: how translation and revision work is organised there and which tools and databases are used.

Detailed programme of TransTech 2013

A detailed programme of the TransTech Summer School 2013 can be downloaded here: transtech13-timetable.pdf.


TransTech 2013


  1. -Translation Environment Tools

  2. -Translation Project Management

  3. -Terminology Management

  4. -Localisation

  5. -Translation-oriented Corpus Engineering

  6. -Machine Translation and Post-Editing MT

  7. -Translation and Terminology for EU Institutions: Resources and Strategies

NEW: Download the timetable