Within the SIGNOR project a balanced and representative corpus of SZJ was built. The corpus is available for querying in its transcribed version providing an avatar demonstration of each sign. The entire corpus is currently not publishable due to data protection issues, however permissions for publication are being collected in order to release the recordings too.The project was funded by the Slovenian National Research Agency (ARRS), project code J6-4081, duration 07.2011-06.2014.
Within the SIGNOR project a balanced and representative corpus of SZJ was built. The corpus is available for querying in its transcribed version providing an avatar demonstration of each sign. The entire corpus is currently not publishable due to data protection issues, however permissions for publication are being collected in order to release the recordings too.
Most of the recording sessions were performed on the premises of the local deaf clubs, only in some cases the mobile recording team visited the informant at home. Recordings of the pupils of the Deaf Institute Ljubljana were performed on the institute's premises with a written consent of the parents and the institute director. Each recording session with an individual informant was composed of three parts:
At present our inventory of recordings contains data of 80 informants, which represents between 5 and 10 percent of SZJ users in Slovenia. The representativity of our corpus seems satisfactory, but further research will show whether more data is needed in specific subgroups.
Our annotation scheme is largely based on the experience gained by the German Sign Language project DGS. The annotation of recordings is performed using the iLex tool.
The SIGNOR annotation scheme includes the following annotation layers:
The corpus annotation is not yet finished, currently we are working on validation of ambiguous glosses and segmentation into utterances.
Sign frequency data was partly used for the online dictionary of SZJ that is currently being developed by the Slovenian Association of Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
An analysis of lexical properties of SZJ has been performed, see publications.
A search platform has been developed providing access to corpus annotations and frequency data.
University of Ljubljana,Faculty of Arts,Department of Translation Studies
izr. prof. dr. Špela Vintar, project leader
mag. Boštjan Jerko, researcher
Marjetka Kulovec, researcher
Korpus in slovnica SZJ. Iz sveta tišine, Letnik XXXII, št. 11 / november 2011
Prvi leksikalni podatki o slovenskem znakovnem jeziku iz korpusa Signor. Proceedings ISJT2014.
Lexical Properties of Slovene Sign Language: A Corpus-Based Study. Sign Language Studies, 15:2, v tisku.