INSTALL {utils}R Documentation

Install Add-on Packages from Sources


To install packages into the default library tree (which is rooted at ‘$R_HOME/library’), do R CMD INSTALL pkgs.

To install into the library tree lib instead of the default one, use R CMD INSTALL -l lib pkgs.


R CMD INSTALL [options] [-l lib] pkgs


pkgs A space-separated list with the path names of the sources of the packages to be installed.
lib the path name of the R library tree to install to.
options a space-separated list of options through which in particular the process for building the help files can be controlled. Options should only be given once, and paths including spaces should be quoted. Use R CMD INSTALL --help for the current list of options.


Windows Perl and the files for installing from source packages need to be installed.

Both lib and the elements of pkgs may be absolute or relative path names of directories. pkgs may also contain names of package archive files of the form ‘pkg_version.tar.gz’ as obtained from CRAN (these are then extracted in a temporary directory ‘R.INSTALL’ of the current directory).

Which forms of help are produced is controlled by the --docs option which takes values none or normal (text and HTML) or chm (the default, text, HTML and CHTML).

If the attempt to install the package fails, leftovers are removed. If the package was already installed, the old version is restored. This happens either if a command encounters an error or if the install is interrupted from the keyboard.

Use R CMD INSTALL --help for more usage information.

Packages using the methods package

Packages that require the methods package, and that use functions such as setMethod or setClass, should be installed either (preferably) using lazy-loading or by creating a binary image: use the flags LazyLoad and SaveImage in the ‘DESCRIPTION’ file to ensure this.

See Also

REMOVE and library for information on using several library trees; update.packages for automatic update of packages using the internet; the section on “Add-on packages” in “R Installation and Administration” and the chapter on “Creating R packages” in “Writing R Extensions” (see the ‘doc/manual’ subdirectory of the R source tree).

[Package utils version 2.4.1 Index]