HolidayCalendars {fCalendar}R Documentation

Holiday Calendars and Utilities


A collection and description of functions and methods dealing with holiday dates and holiday calendars.

The functions for the generation of holiday calendars are:

holiday Returns a holiday date of G7 and CH as 'sdate',
holidayNYSE Computes 'timeDate' object for full-day NYSE holidays,
holidayZURICH Computes 'timeDate' object for Zurich holidays.


holiday(year, Holiday = Easter)
holidayNYSE(year = currentYear)
holidayZURICH(year = currentYear)


Holiday the unquoted function name of an ecclestial or public holiday in the G7 countries or Switzerland, see the list below.
year an integer vector of years, [CCYY]. [day.of.week] - cr vector of integer year numbers.


Holiday Calendar:

Easter is the central ecclestial holiday. Many other holidays are related to this feast. The function easter computes the dates of easter and related ecclestial holidays for the requested year vector. holiday calculates the dates of ecclestial or publich holidays in the G7 countries, e.g. holiday(2003, "GoodFriday"). holidays.db is our Data Base of World Wide Holidays. The database contains holiday functions automatically loaded by the fBasics library at startup time. The user can add additional holiday functions to this data base. The information for the holiday data base were collected from several web pages about holiday calendars. The following ecclestial and public [HOLIDAY] functions in the G7 countries and Switzerland are available:

Holidays Related to Easter:
Septuagesima, Quinquagesima, AshWednesday, PalmSunday, GoodFriday, EasterSunday, Easter, EasterMonday, RogationSunday, Ascension, Pentecost, PentecostMonday, TrinitySunday CorpusChristi.

Holidays Related to Christmas:
ChristTheKing, Advent1st, Advent1st, Advent3rd, Advent4th, ChristmasEve, ChristmasDay, BoxingDay, NewYearsDay.

Other Ecclestical Feasts:
SolemnityOfMary, Epiphany, PresentationOfLord, Annunciation, TransfigurationOfLord, AssumptionOfMary, AssumptionOfMary, BirthOfVirginMary, CelebrationOfHolyCross, MassOfArchangels, AllSaints, AllSouls.

CHZurich - Public Holidays:
CHBerchtoldsDay, CHSechselaeuten, CHAscension, CHConfederationDay, CHKnabenschiessen.

GBLondon - Public Holidays:
GBMayDay, GBBankHoliday, GBSummerBankHoliday, GBNewYearsEve.

DEFrankfurt - Public Holidays:
DEAscension, DECorpusChristi, DEGermanUnity, DEChristmasEve, DENewYearsEve.

FRParis - Public Holidays:
FRFetDeLaVictoire1945, FRAscension, FRBastilleDay, FRAssumptionVirginMary, FRAllSaints, FRArmisticeDay.

ITMilano - Public Holidays:
ITEpiphany, ITLiberationDay, ITRepublicAnniversary, ITAssumptionOfVirginMary, ITAllSaints, ITWWIVictoryAnniversary, ITStAmrose, ITImmaculateConception.

USNewYork/USChicago - Public Holidays:
USNewYearsDay, USInaugurationDay, USMLKingsBirthday, USLincolnsBirthday, USWashingtonsBirthday, USMemorialDay, USIndependenceDay, USLaborDay, USColumbusDay, USElectionDay, USVeteransDay, USThanksgivingDay, USChristmasDay, USCPulaskisBirthday, USGoodFriday.

CAToronto/CAMontreal - Public Holidays:
CAVictoriaDay, CACanadaDay, CACivicProvincialHoliday, CALabourDay, CAThanksgivingDay, CaRemembranceDay.

JPTokyo/JPOsaka - Public Holidays:
JPNewYearsDay, JPGantan, JPBankHolidayJan2, JPBankHolidayJan3, JPComingOfAgeDay, JPSeijinNoHi, JPNatFoundationDay, JPKenkokuKinenNoHi, JPGreeneryDay, JPMidoriNoHi, JPConstitutionDay, JPKenpouKinenBi, JPNationHoliday, JPKokuminNoKyujitu, JPChildrensDay, JPKodomoNoHi, JPMarineDay, JPUmiNoHi, JPRespectForTheAgedDay, JPKeirouNoHi, JPAutumnalEquinox, JPShuubun-no-hi, JPHealthandSportsDay, JPTaiikuNoHi, JPNationalCultureDay, JPBunkaNoHi, JPThanksgivingDay, JPKinrouKanshaNohi, JPKinrou-kansha-no-hi, JPEmperorsBirthday, JPTennou-tanjyou-bi, JPTennou-tanjyou-bi.

All the holiday functions are listed in the data file holidays.R. Additional holidays, which are not yet available there, can be added to this data base file.


holidayNYSE holidayZURICH
return an ISO-8601 formatted calendar date CCYYMMDD, an object of class "sdate" which represents an integer value or vector.


Diethelm Wuertz for the Rmetrics R-port.


ISO-8601 (1988); Data Elements and Interchange Formats - Information Interchange, Representation of Dates and Time, International Organization for Standardization, Reference Number ISO 8601, 14 pages.


## SOURCE("fCalendar.5B-HolidayCalendars")

## easter -
   # Dates for GoodFriday from 2000 until 2010:                     
   holiday(2000:2010, "GoodFriday")                  
## holidays -   
## holidayNYSE -

[Package fCalendar version 240.10068 Index]