TimeSeriesClass {fCalendar}R Documentation

timeSeries Class


A collection and description of functions and methods dealing with regular and irregular 'timeSeries' objects. Dates and times are implemented as 'timeDate' objects. Included are functions and methods for the generation and representation of 'timeSeries' objects, and for mathematical operations.

Functions to generate and modify 'timeSeries' objects:

timeSeries Creates a 'timeSeries' object from scratch,
readSeries Reads a 'timeSeries' from a spreadsheet file,
returnSeries Computes returns from a 'timeSeries' object,
durationSeries Computes durations from a 'timeSeries' object,
midquoteSeries Computes mid quotes from a 'timeSeries' object,
spreadSeries Computes spreads from a 'timeSeries' object,
applySeries Applies a function to margins of a 'timeSeries',
orderStatistics Computes order statistic of a 'timeSeries'.

Data Slot and classification of 'timeSeries' objects:

seriesData Extracts data slot from a 'timeSeries',
isUnivariate Tests if a 'timeSeries' object is univariate,
isMultivariate Tests if a 'timeSeries' object is multivariate.

Functions to print and plot 'timeSeries' objects:

print.timeSeries S3: Print method for a 'timeSeries' object,
summary.timeSeries S3: Summary method for a 'timeSeries' object,
plot.timeSeries S3: Plot method for a 'timeSeries' object,
lines.timeSeries S3: Lines method for a 'timeSeries' object,
points.timeSeries S3: Points method for a 'timeSeries' object.

Special Functions for daily 'timeSeries' objects:

dummyDailySeries Creates a dummy daily 'timeSeries' object,
alignDailySeries Aligns a daily 'timeSeries' to new positions,
ohlcDailyPlot Plots open high low close bar chart.


timeSeries(data, charvec, units = NULL, format = NULL, zone = myFinCenter, 
    FinCenter = myFinCenter, recordIDs = data.frame(), title = NULL, 
    documentation = NULL, ...)   
readSeries(file, header = TRUE, sep = ";", zone = myFinCenter, 
    FinCenter = myFinCenter, title = NULL, documentation = NULL, ...)
returnSeries(x, type = c("continuous", "discrete"), percentage = FALSE, 
    trim = TRUE, digits = 4, units = NULL)  
durationSeries(x, trim = FALSE, units = c("secs", "mins", "hours"))   
midquoteSeries(x, which = c("Bid", "Ask"))
spreadSeries(x, which = c("Bid", "Ask"), tickSize = NULL)
applySeries(x, from = NULL, to = NULL, by = c("monthly", "quarterly"), 
    FUN = colAvgs, units = NULL, format = x@format, zone = x@FinCenter, 
    FinCenter = x@FinCenter, recordIDs = data.frame(), title = x@title,
    documentation = x@documentation, ...)


## S3 method for class 'timeSeries':
print(x, recordIDs = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'timeSeries':
summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'timeSeries':
plot(x, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'timeSeries':
lines(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'timeSeries':
points(x, ...)

dummyDailySeries(x = rnorm(365), units = "X", zone = myFinCenter, 
    FinCenter = myFinCenter)
alignDailySeries(x, method = c("before", "after", "interp", "fillNA"), 
    include.weekends = FALSE, units = NULL, zone = myFinCenter, 
    FinCenter = myFinCenter)
ohlcDailyPlot(x, volume = TRUE, colOrder = c(1:5), units = 1e6, 
    xlab = c("Date", "Date"), ylab = c("Price", "Volume"), 
    main = c("O-H-L-C", "Volume"), grid.nx = 7, grid.lty = "solid", ...) 


by [applySeries] -
a character either "monthly" or "quarterly". The default value is "monthly". Only operative when both arguments from and to have ther default values NULL. In this case the function FUN will be applied to monthly or quarterly periods.
charvec a character vector of dates and times.
colOrder [ohlcDailyPlot] -
an integer vector which gives the order of the prices and the volume in the input object. By default the following order of columns from 1 to 5 is assumed: Open, high, low, close, and volume.
data a data.frame or a matrix object of numeric data.
digits [returnSeries] -
an integer value. The number of digits to be printed in the output.
documentation optional documentation string, or a vector of character strings.
file the filename of a spreadsheet data set from which to import the data records.
FinCenter a character with the the location of the financial center named as "continent/city".
header a logical value indicating whether the file contains the names of the variables as its first line. If missing, the value is determined from the file format: 'header' is set to 'TRUE' if and only if the first row contains one fewer field than the number of columns.
format the format specification of the input character vector,
[as.timeSeries] -
a character string with the format in POSIX notation to be passed to the time series object.
from, to starting date and end date, to must be after from.
FUN [applySeries] -
a function to use for aggregation, by default colAvgs.
grid.lty, grid.nx [ohlcDailyPlot] -
The type of grid line and the number of grid lines used in the plot.
include.weekends [alignDailySeries] -
a logical value. Should weekend dates be included or removed from the series.
tickSize [spreadSeries] -
the default is NULL to simply compute price changes in original price levels. If ticksize is supplied, the price changes will be divided by the value of inTicksOfSize to compute price changes in ticks.
main [ohlcDailyPlot] -
a character string to title the price and volume plot.
method [alignDailySeries] -
the method to be used for the alignment. A character string, one of "before", use the data from the row whose position is just before the unmatched position, or "after", use the data from the row whose position is just after the unmatched position, or "linear", interpolate linearly between "before" and "after".
object [is][seriesData][seriesPositions][summary] - an object of class timeSeries.
percentage [returnSeries] -
a logical value. By default FALSE, if TRUE the series will be expressed in percentage changes.
recordIDs a data frame which can be used for record identification information.
[print] -
a logical value. Should the recordIDs printed together with the data matrix and time series positions?
sep [readSeries] -
the field seperator used in the spreadsheet file to separate columns.
title an optional title string, if not specified the inputs data name is deparsed.
trim [diffSeries][returnSeries] -
a logical value. By default TRUE, the first missing observation in the return series will be removed.
type [returnSeries] -
a character string specifying how to compute the returns. Valid choices are: continuous and discrete. For the default type="continuous", the returns are calculated as the logarithmic differences, otherwise if type="discrete", the returns are calculated as percentage changes.
units [applySeries][lag][allignDailySeries][returnSeries][mergeSeries] -
an optional character string, which allows to overwrite the current column names of a timeSeries object. By default NULL which means that the column names are selected automatically.
[durationSeries] -
a character value or vector which allows to set the units in which the durations are measured. By default durations are measured in seconds.
[ohlcDailyPlot] -
a numeric value, specifying in which multiples the volume should be referenced on the plot labels. By default 1e6, i.e. in units of 1 Million.
volume [ohlcDailyPlot] -
a logigical value. Should a volume plot added to the OHLC Plot. By default TRUE.
which [midquoteSeries][spreadSeries] -
a vector with two character strings naming the column names of the time series from which to compute the mid quotes and spreads. By default these are bid and ask prices with column names c("Bid", "Ask").
x [as] -
a matrix type object to be converted.
[as.vector][as.matrix][as.data.frame] -
[applySeries] -
[cut][end][mergeSeries][plot][print][rev][start] -
an object of class timeSeries.
xlab, ylab [ohlcDailyPlot] -
two string vectors to name the x and y axis of the price and volume plot.
zone the time zone or financial center where the data were recorded.
... arguments passed to other methods.


Generation of Time Series Objects:

We have defined a timeSeries class which is in many aspects similar to the S-Plus class with the same name, but has also some important differences. The class has seven Slots, the 'Data' slot which holds the time series data in matrix form, the 'position' slot which holds the time/date as a character vector, the 'format' and 'FinCenter' slots which are the same as for the 'timeDate' object, the 'units' slot which holds the column names of the data matrix, and a 'title' and a 'documentation' slot which hold descriptive character strings. Date and time is managed in the same way as for timeDate objects.


return a S4 object of class timeSeries.

returns ...


extracts the @Data slot from a timeSeries object. Thus, seriesData returns an object of class matrix.


returns ...

plot and print methods for an object of class timeSeries.


These functions were written for Rmetrics users using R and Rmetrics under Microsoft's Windows operating system where timze zones, daylight saving times and holiday calendars are insuffeciently supported.


Diethelm Wuertz for the Rmetrics R-port.


## SOURCE("fCalendar.4A-TimeSeriesClass")

## data - Data Frame:
   # Microsoft Data:
   MSFT.df = data.frame(matrix(c(
   20010326, 57.1250, 57.5000, 55.5625, 56.0625,  31559300,
   20010327, 56.0625, 58.5625, 55.8750, 58.2500,  47567800,
   20010328, 57.3750, 57.9375, 55.3750, 55.5625,  39340800,
   20010329, 55.3750, 57.1875, 54.5625, 55.3750,  43492500,
   20010330, 55.7500, 56.1875, 53.8750, 54.6875,  45600800,
   20010402, 54.8125, 56.9375, 54.6250, 55.8125,  37962000,
   20010403, 55.3125, 55.3125, 52.7500, 53.3750,  47093800,
   20010404, 53.3750, 55.0000, 51.0625, 51.9375,  52023300,
   20010405, 53.7500, 57.3750, 53.5000, 56.7500,  56682000,
   20010406, 56.3750, 57.1875, 55.0625, 56.1875,  46311000,
   20010409, 56.5700, 57.4200, 55.6600, 57.1500,  28147800,
   20010410, 57.9500, 60.0900, 57.7800, 59.6800,  54599700,
   20010411, 60.6500, 61.5000, 59.7000, 60.0400,  54939800,
   20010412, 59.5600, 62.3100, 59.3500, 62.1800,  43760000,
   20010416, 61.4000, 61.5800, 60.1200, 60.7900,  32928700,
   20010417, 60.5200, 62.1100, 60.0400, 61.4800,  42574600,
   20010418, 63.3900, 66.3100, 63.0000, 65.4300,  78348200,
   20010419, 65.8100, 69.0000, 65.7500, 68.0400,  79687800,
   20010420, 70.3000, 71.1000, 68.5000, 69.0000,  96459800,
   20010423, 68.1100, 68.4700, 66.9000, 68.2500,  46085600,
   20010424, 68.2000, 69.9300, 67.1400, 67.5500,  44588300,
   20010425, 67.5700, 69.7900, 67.2500, 69.6900,  38372000,
   20010426, 70.0700, 71.0000, 68.2500, 69.1300,  59368800,
   20010427, 69.5300, 69.6800, 66.2100, 67.1200,  60786200,
   20010430, 68.5300, 69.0600, 67.6800, 67.7500,  37184100,
   20010501, 67.6600, 70.3000, 67.6000, 70.1700,  41851400,
   20010502, 71.0000, 71.1500, 69.3500, 69.7600,  46432200,
   20010503, 69.2500, 70.1800, 68.1400, 68.5300,  33136700,
   20010504, 68.0000, 71.0500, 67.9600, 70.7500,  59769200,
   20010507, 70.8300, 72.1500, 70.7000, 71.3800,  54678100), 
   byrow = TRUE, ncol = 6))
   colnames(MSFT.df) = c("YYMMDD", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume")

   # Load Microsoft Data:
   myFinCenter <<- "GMT"
   MSFT = as.timeSeries(MSFT.df)

## timeSeries - Conversion:
   # Create a timeSeries Objec - The Direct Way ...
   Close = MSFT[, 5]
   # From Scratch ...
   data = as.matrix(MSFT[, 4])
   charvec = rownames(MSFT)
   Close = timeSeries(data, charvec, units = "Close")
   c(start(Close), end(Close))
## Cut Series -    
   # Cut out April Data from 2001:
   tsApril01 = cut(Close, "2001-04-01", "2001-04-30") 

## Return Series -  
   # Compute Returns:
   # Continuous Returns:
   # Discrete Returns:
   returnSeries(tsApril01, type = "discrete")
   # Don't trim:
   returnSeries(tsApril01, trim = FALSE)
   # Use Percentage Values:
   returnSeries(tsApril01, percentage = TRUE, trim = FALSE)
## Align Daily Series -     
   # Align with NA:
   tsRet = returnSeries(tsApril01, trim = TRUE)
   alignDailySeries(tsRet, method = "fillNA", include.weekends = FALSE)
   alignDailySeries(tsRet, method = "fillNA", include.weekends = TRUE)
## alignDailySeries - 
   # Interpolate:
   alignDailySeries(tsRet, method = "interp", include.weekend = FALSE)
   alignDailySeries(tsRet, method = "interp", include.weekend = TRUE)

## applySeries -   
   # Aggregate weekly:
   to = timeSequence(from = "2001-04-11", length.out = 3, by = "week") 
   from = to - 6*24*3600
   applySeries(tsRet, from, to, FUN = sum)

[Package fCalendar version 240.10068 Index]