This is a multilingual glossary of language technologies that was downloaded from the Croatian Langiage Technologies website (, processed and translated into Slovene by 2nd year students of translation at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. The glossary was first imported into MS Excel (glossary-lt.xls), and them toMultiTerm iX, version 6.2, where the Slovene translations were added manually. The glossary was then was exported to xml and html. It can be browsed with any web browser in html (glossary-lt.html or a nicer- looking version: glosar-jt.html) or imported into Multiterm in the following way: - launch MultiTerm - create a new termbase from the existing termbase definition (definition-lt.xdt) - import the glossary into the created termbase (glossary-lt.xml) Feel free to use and modify the glossary according to your needs. Please report any mistakes or problems to: